Thursday, December 6, 2012

First snow

On Sunday, we experienced our first snow.  Marcus has only seen snow once before, when he was 3 months old.  I'm pretty sure he doesn't remember it.  Dominic and Lauren have never seen it.  We woke up Sunday morning with a fresh coat of snow covering the ground.  Unfortunately, Dominic got sick Saturday night and was still sick all day Sunday, so he didn't get to go outside.  Marcus and Eric, however, ventured out so Marcus could build his first snowman.

It has snowed a couple of times since then, and Dominic and Lauren have gotten to go outside in it as well, but not enough to build anything or even to make snow balls.  I expect to have many more days this winter that they can play and enjoy the snow as well.

1 comment:

Gramma K said...

HI Christina - THANK YOU for restarting your blog, Its nice to have that to read - of course talkin to you directly s better:)
Love Mom