Sunday, March 8, 2009

Well, we've been here a week and so far we've found a place to live (we move in tomorrow) and have bought a new TV and camera/camcorder. We're still looking for furniture, but we have loaners from the base for now so we at least have something to sleep and sit on.

We're excited to move into our own house as this will be the first time we've lived together in almost a year. It's only a two bedroom, but the living areas are large and the built-in lanai's make it seem a lot bigger than a two bedroom. We'll take pictures as soon as we move in so you can all see what a base house looks like here in Hawaii. I'm just glad that the kitchen is larger than a closet, which is what I've been dealing with for the last two years, and that the house has a washer and dryer.

We aren't getting cable set up in our house until Thursday, so it's going to be a long week without anything to do. Maybe we'll go bowling a lot. Or go to the beach.

Normally, you'd think: "You're in Hawaii, go to the beach." But it's been raining the entire time we've been here so being outside isn't that appealing. It's supposed to be done raining for a while as we got the same storm that Oregon got, but we're not so sure about that. The good news is that even though it's raining, it's still warm.

Eric had to work this morning, which he wasn't happy about, but he's "volunteering" at a charity motorcycle ride for military families so at least it's a good cause. He's pretty anxious to get a moped, so we'll probably have to go shopping for that next. Eventually he'll have a breakdown from all of the money we're spending, but he's okay for now. I'm still working for three more months, so that's easing the blow a little.

Ok, I promise the next post will have pictures of our house.

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