Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dominic at 2 months

Dominic had his two month checkup on Monday.  He was 23 inches long, 11 pounds 8 ounces, and his head was 15.25 inches around.  That puts him pretty much in the 50th percentile across the board.  He's started smiling recently and he's still waking and eating every three hours.  At least we're in a routine.

A picture of Marcus at 2 months to compare
Personally, I think they look nothing alike.  It'll be interesting to see how they compare as they continue to grow.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I feel like my baby inside is already 11 lbs. Lol.

I can't believe they look different. I thought they would look exactly the same. Now the question is which one looks more like you as a baby and which looks more like Eric?