Monday, July 12, 2010

A birthday party and real food

This weekend, we went to our friend Savannah's 1st Birthday party.  During the party, they stripped all of the little ones of their clothes and sat them in front of cupcakes.  Marcus is not ready for cake yet, so he didn't get to partake, but he had a cracker to eat while they were working on theirs.  Don't worry, he doesn't know what he's missing yet, so he didn't really care.

Here's our friend Savannah eating her cupcake with her mom Mary Alice.

Tonight was Marcus' first exposure to feeding himself dinner.  He has had finger food snacks before, but never the whole meal.  We've been doing Gerber jar foods and I decided I should try out real vegetables and meat for him to eat.  We started with turkey hot dogs and green beans.  He doesn't like green beans from the jar, but I thought fresh green beans might be different.  He ate some of them, but he definitely preferred the hot dogs.


Bonnie-Jean said...

He's such a cutie pie. I think it's interesting how different foods can really vary on taste depending on the preparation. I don't like canned green peas, but I love fresh ones. :)

Cassie said...

That's cute. Luke never wanted is to feed him. So we never did. But oh does he love to play with food.

Pam said...

He looks so content eating his hot dog! :)