Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Paris Day 3

The third day had us starting at the Army Museum and Napoleon's Tomb.  This is the only museum that we actually paid for and went inside.  (We're not big museum people, we'd rather just look at the architecture.)  It was actually pretty interesting seeing the French perspective on wars in our history.  It covered their entire military history, but we only had time for (and interest in) WWI and WWII.

The front of the Army Museum

I thought these windows were an interesting architectural piece.

The inner courtyard of the Army Museum.


A replica of the museum grounds.
The church where Napoleon's buried is in the back of the museum.

Napoleon's tomb.  

Napoleon's tombstone outside.
 After checking out Napoleon's tomb, we headed straight for the WWII section of the museum.
Hitler in Paris during WWII

An enigma machine
 After finishing up the Army museum, we headed out to stroll around the Latin quarter.  We had stumbled into this area the afternoon before, but were so ready to eat we breezed through it. We wanted to check it out some more and get something to eat there, as it all looked so good (and I had seen Escargot on several menus).
A replica shroud of Turin in St. Sulpice Catholic Church.

St. Severin on the edge of the Latin Quarter.

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