Monday, March 4, 2013

Somebody's 2!!

Dominic recently turned 2 and while we didn't have a huge party (we all have colds) he got some cool toys.

What could it be?

A cool picnic set!

What did Marcus get me?

A cool lizard and dinosaurs in dissolving capsules.
What are these?

Word World!!

Checking out the whole Word World set.

Sesame Street?

An Elmo DVD and Bert and Ernie figures.

He kept making this pose when I asked him to say cheese,
not sure why, but it's cute!

A new dinosaur set.

A really big dump truck

Ready and waiting for cake.
I think he was more excited than Dominic.

Singing Happy Birthday.

Blowing out the candles.

Trying to decide between fingers...

or fork. 

He decided on the fork.

Marcus chose going straight for the frosting.

Frosting mustache and goatee.
We also had his 2 year check-up this week.  He weighs 26.6 lbs and is 34.5 inches tall.  That puts him firmly in the 50th percentile.  If you ascribe to the theory that your full grown height is twice your 2 year height, he'll be 5'9" tall when he's an adult.


Chantal said...

Happy Birthday Dominic! Can't believe it's been 2 years since that night haha

Karen Anderson said...

Happy birthday my sweet boy!!
Thank you Christina for posting these
Love Mom