Friday, June 17, 2011

June so far

Well, this has quite possibly been the longest month of this last year.  I say that because knowing Eric's coming back makes time go much slower and we also have had less to do this month than any other month while he's been gone.  We've tried to fill our time with some of our regular weekly activities, like bible study and story-time at the library.  Every Wednesday, they host a story-time for kids under the age of 5.  It's a good chance for Marcus to learn from the older kids how to sit still and listen to stories.  Sometimes they read for a half an hour and then do a craft and sometimes they read for an entire hour.  This week, they made paper plate suns.

I tried to get him to pose for the camera, but he wasn't really into it.
Later that day, we went back to the library for their afternoon program.  This one only runs through the summer, but it's different demonstrations.  This week was a bubble show.  They brought in a lady that can make all different sizes of bubbles and she also does tricks with them, like bubbles inside of bubbles.  She put a grown man inside of a bubble at one point and also made a bubble volcano.  I took some pictures, but being bubbles, none of them really turned out.

Today we went to the splash park over by our friend Chantal's house. When we first got to her house it was a little gray out and couldn't decide if it was going to rain or not, so we decided to go run a few errands I needed to get done. By the time we got done with that it was looking a little better out, so we headed to the park.  Marcus had a blast running back and forth through the water and, of course, taking breaks to sit on the smaller fountains.  I love the splash park because he can play on his own and I don't have to worry about him drowning or getting hurt.

For those of you not familiar with military deployments, what you see above is what we Military Spouses like to call the Donut of Misery.  It shows as the year goes on how much time you have left.  It's pretty depressing in the beginning, but as you can see above, it's exciting now!!  Every once in a while, the DOM updates the caption under the circle.  The caption now?  Leavin' on a Jet Plane... He hasn't left yet and I don't actually know yet when he is leaving, but we're getting close.  The hardest part is that I won't even have an approximate arrival date until a day out and I won't have an exact arrival time until 5 hours out...when they leave Los Angeles.

Please keep all of us in your prayers this next week as it will probably be the longest one in all of our lives as Eric travels half way around the globe back to us.  We'll of course let you all know when he gets back.

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